No. 18 (2019)

Archeollogical goods


Systems to Protect Underwater Archaeological Heritage in the Wreck Ses Llumetes. Urgent Intervention on a Line Preserved in situ

  • Andrea Sanz Catalá
  • Sebastià Munar Llabrés
  • Guillermo González Lázaro




In Porto Cristo, to the east of the island of Mallorca, lies the Roman wreck from the 1st century CE known as Ses Llumetes due to the number of lucernes it was carrying. This wreck amazes to this day due to the exceptional and surprising state of preservation of its marine structure, despite its proximity to the coast, indeed it is at a depth of only three metres, and the fact that it has been plundered since it was discovered. This article seeks to publicise the urgent conservation work carried out in situ and the archaeological research undertaken by Project Portocristo, as well as the on-site protection work accomplished.

Supporting agencies:

This research didn't have any funding


underwater archaeologu, underwater acheology, conservation in situ, wreck Ses Llumetes, urgent precedures, organic materials